My research is interested in how Scottish literature from the nineteenth century to the present day imagines borders and environmental discourses. My project aims to discover what potential vantage points and/or trajectories Scottish literature can offer for the revaluation of dominant frameworks underlying the relationship between borders and the environment as well as the parameters used to define both bordering processes and the environment.
Following a multidisciplinary environmental humanities approach, I mobilise theories from critical border studies, ecocriticism, literary and cultural studies and related disciplines for an examination on the one hand of the significance of borders and the environment for Scottish literature and on the other hand of what Scottish literature can offer to wider discussions around borders and the environment.
The poster below provides an overview over the initial scope of the project, the research question and hypotheses as well as my theoretical and methodological framework. If you want to know more about my research, feel free to get in touch with me via email or on Twitter.
Project publications:
Scottish Literature, Borders and the Environmental Imagination. Under contract with Bloomsbury Academic.
“Wayfaring the Outlands: Exploring the Borders of Mobility and Nature in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Writing.” in Nineteenth-Century Contexts: Special Issue on Ecologies of the Atlantic Archipelago (May 2021).
“Reading Scotland’s Borders through the Environment.” in The Bottle Imp 29 (May 2022).